It's been weird to see Gov. Christine Gregoire and Dino Rossi swap roles in the gubernatorial election. Rossi, the Republican, is running as the "change" candidate and Gregoire is the cranky, experienced one who says in some of her TV commercials that Rossi isn't the change we need. Remember John McCain's awkward "that's not change we can believe in" mantra? That's been Gregoire's recent battle cry.
In debates, Gregoire has come off as grumpy, defensive, and old — or at least stale. Rossi has worn the Obama mantle: unflappable, affable, a fresh-faced alternative to politics as usual. It's baloney, but it's effective.
A prime example of the Obama-ization of Dino Rossi: a mailer we just received with Rossi's silkscreened face and the headline "Change is good." The color scheme — red and light blue — with Rossi's tan face in a posterized dark blue and tan is exactly like the famous poster images of Obama you see across the country.http://crosscut.com/blog/crosscut/18624/ :wtf: