NO Internet voting!
Tell The WA Legislature and Secy-of-State Sam Reed, to deep-six the proposal for Internet Voting. Not even as a special case for special voters. HB1624 & SB 5522 must be withdrawn.
I am a powerful aficionado of the internet, and of the power of computers. I operate many discussion lists and several websites. No curmudgeon or troglodyte, am I.
But in NO WAY can I concur with voting via the internet - or any similar means of electronic communications! They are all inherently insecure and not private. I even testified against the once-proposed "Project SERVE", to a US panel about 6-8 years ago, and the Feds dropped the proposal. I have to believe that all the knowledgeable folks who raised objections and questions, were convincing.
So now, why does Sam Reed, WA State Secretary of State and the chief elections officer of the state, propose this again?
One hacker/insider could do either or both of two horrible acts:
* interfere with the voting data being sent - the ballots - in any number of ways;
* gain the knowledge of how the voter voted, and use that information in any number of malicious ways.
No i-voting.
No DRE-voting.
V.V.P.B. Only.
My friend in Brazil, where they already have a national system of cyber-interconnecte d DRE's run by a single bureaucracy which serves as Administrator, Judge, Jury, and Advocate in cases of complaints, says:
"I know who I voted for.
So do They.
But only They know for whom my vote was counted!"
I would add: Even though they say that they do not - I believe that they can tell others who I voted for. Nice, no? No.
Tell The WA Legislature and Sam Reed, to deep-six the proposal for Internet Voting. Not even as a special case for special voters - service voters and overseas voters.
http://apps. billinfo/ summary.aspx? bill=1624&year=2009
http://apps. billinfo/ summary.aspx? bill=5522&year=2009