The following ANTI health care op-eds and letters have run in papers recently.
As the health care fight heats up, we can't let the voices of the opposition drown out our voice! We know that the majority of the public wants progress health care reform, so let's let the media and the Members of Congress know so.
Please let me know if your organization is able to do so. -- Thanks!
*Health care: 7/18 Yakima Herald-Republic (Pat Muir) “Protesters outside Sen. Murray’s office don’t like health care plan”: In case you didn’t slow down enough to read the signs, the group of demonstrators on Yakima Avenue this morning were protesting U.S. Sen. Patty Murray’s support of sweeping health care reform. Murray, D-Wash., was one of the senators voting in favor of the bill this week, when it was approved by the Senate health committee. Joe Ray, one of the event’s organizers, said he expected 40 or 50 people for the anti-health care reform demonstration. care: 7/19 Everett Herald (Editorial) “Uninspiring progress so far”: Congress has taken its first swings at health-care reform, and they’ve been ruled foul. Not barely foul; way foul. The umpire making the call, Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf, told the Senate Budget Committee on Thursday that bills crafted by House leaders and the Senate health committee fall so short of the fundamental changes that are needed in health-care delivery that instead of reducing the increase in costs, “The curve is being raised.” care: 7/19 Spokesman-Review (Editorial) “Controlling costs crucial in righting health care”: The headlines are ablaze with news of a near-universal health plan and a way to pay for it. President Barack Obama is asking Congress for a bill by August. That would be the month right after this one. This is momentous, not just because the government is dramatically overhauling health care delivery, but because this is the optimum time to get it right. And the key to getting it right is controlling costs, because health care inflation is crowding out spending on education, energy, defense, law enforcement and other basics. Care: 7/18 The Bellingham Herald (Sam Taylor) “Bellingham Tea Party protests health care reform”: About 50 people from the Bellingham Tea Party group participated in a Friday, July 17, "Healthcare Freedom Tea Party Protest" outside of U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen's office in the Bellingham Towers building. The protest was part of a nationwide event to argue against "government take-over" of health care, according to the local group's press release.
Lynne Nguyen
Organizer, Washington CAN!
office: 206-389-0050 x232
cell: 310-622-5456