night was a momentous occasion in the history of EffU. Carl and I finally met this Demo Kid character for the first time. And the setting for our first round of drinks together was the University District, to get ready for Jim McDermott’s town hall at UW Meany Hall. Unfortunately Demo Kid didn’t have time to come inside, but before taking off, he walked with us to the hall to check out the scene.
Not much in the way of protests outside. The Larouchies were there with a table and their trademark posters of Obama with a Hitler mustache, but they were outnumbered by pro-health reform folks handing out flyers. And there was this poor woman all by herself providing free advertising for Planned Parenthood while grossing out passersby. on this tomorrow morning, but it's clear that Jim McDermott's strategy at his town hall meeting tonight was to talk his hecklers into submission.
It worked.
For example, while making the case for the public option McDermott said: "The government can do things right, and has done things right.”
The hecklers laughed big, mocking, cartoonish laughs. "HA HA HA HA HA."
McDermott went right on talking: “I was noticing when I got out here that this pin on my jacket is from NASA." He pointed to his lapel pin as he said this, and continued: "NASA is something the government did… That is an example of what government can do when they think about it. Medicare is also a program that has improved the health of senior citizens, it has expanded life expectancy..."
"Bankrupt!" shouted the hecklers.
But they lost that argument, too, as people applauded for Medicare far more loudly than the hecklers could heckle. The tally? McDermott 2, hecklers 0. And he still had the mic.