Edited on Wed May-26-10 11:02 AM by Raster
My life was becoming mundane and without purpose. There was no more sense of conviction or excitement. But all that has changed. I now have a purpose. I now have a sense of excitement. And I now have a sense of conviction like never before. And that purpose and conviction is now going to be channeled full-time into
helping Patty Murray defeat your ass! The US Senate is already a partisan piss-pot. The last thing it needs is you!Senator Murray: I am not a fan. I think you have your lips firmly planted on the buttcheeks of the Military/Industrial Complex, and quite frankly do not buy your "just a Mom in tennis shoes" shtick. But all that considered, you are worlds ahead of Dino-rama. Sign me up, Senator Murray. And just maybe while we work together to defeat Rossi, and send his ass back to wherever, you may learn how the real citizens of Washington State feel about the issues. Just maybe you'll learn the it's the people of this great state that make it strong and vibrant, and not the warmongering corporations to whom you endlessly kowtow. Just maybe you'll get back to being "the Mom in tennis shoes" that cares about the every man and woman. Just maybe. But for right now:Defeat Rossi!