Hulse, one of I-1068’s very best volunteer signature gatherers, was about to enter the Safeway at corner of South 38th Street and South M street in Tacoma at 5 p.m. this evening when he was stopped by a man asking him to sign the “Marijuana Reform Act.” The man was a paid petitioner and he was with another paid petitioner. The pair were engaging in deception and fraud and were poaching signatures that properly belonged to I-1068.
Hulse said that they had petitions that were clearly not I-1068–the Marijuana Reform Act–wrapped crosswise around a sheet of cardboard so that one could only see the signature lines but not the title and ballot summary language at the top of the petition. Hulse asked them if they’d turn in their signed copies of I-1068 to him, so he could get them into Sensible Washington’s offices.
“We actually don’t have that,” one of the men told Hulse, according to Hulse.
Meanwhile, a woman was signing the petition after being told it was the Marijuana Reform Act. She began saying “Sign it, sign it” to Hulse. Hulse got one of the men to flip the petition around so he could see the top of it and it was clearly marked as I-1107, which would repeal certain taxes enacted by the State Legislature earlier this year. Hulse went into the Safeway, phoned me and explained the situation. I asked him to try and get the men’s names, what company they worked for and to take their pictures on his cell phone.
Photos and details follow.