Edited on Fri Oct-15-10 03:00 PM by Wash. state Desk Jet
is how it is he tries to wedge his way across the topic by slipping through the cracks into a different subject line making it seem as though the two very different subjects are somehow connected. Rossi on those banks was only too funny and he reverted to his working his way through collage as a janitor waxing floors mostly at the space needle, although he did work a little construction ! I assume Rossi took notes when he was sweeping the saw dust out of the corners during construction clean up! And he no doubt became fascinated with the process of filling the gap between the boards or the framing ! Politics is all about framing by the way.So Rossi got off on the the insertion of the wedge or shims. Indeed somewhere between the door frame and the wall. Everything connects somewhere.
Hay how bout that college paper you did years ago ,it was good, so good you used it a number of times all the while hoping your professors did not communicate much in the facility lounge ! Hay it worked again didn't it !
Well ,like Rossi said mostly waxing floors at the space needle so he most likely didn't really spend much time on construction sites taking notes in the same way he really didn't spend very much time in Olympia.What you call be absent a lot.
On Rossi's weakness's,the daily paper- Throughout the debate ,Murray repeatedly accused Rossi of failing to answer specific questions beyond a few talking points. For example,when asked about whether federal budget cuts could jeopardize Hanford cleanup-,Rossi slipped in a wedge and started talking about his experience cutting the state budget in 2003 without raising tax's.Not only did he shim it up good but went right into the nuclear fuse issue! Pretty crafty hua ! Without raising them tax's ! And he went on to say he would handle the business of the U.S. senate in the very same way !
Murray pounced saying Rossi didn't answer the Hanford question and noted thousands of workers at Hanford are now employed because of federal stimulus monies.Rossi would cut out their jobs, lay them all off and allow nuclear waste to do what it will.
Rossi rebutted,- the biggest problem for Hanford is the democrats.At witch-(which) point Rossi slipped in another wedge this time connecting into Nevada ! Man that dude can build !I wonder if Rossi ever thought about polishing up some of those nuclear tubes ! Or looking into nuclear containment cannisters. Or maybe he thinks we should do what the UK did and find some third world country to dump the stuff on! Indeed one hell of a janitor.
The point being as I pointed out ,Rossi is weak on issues.And Murray came out of the first debate knowing that for a fact.I think she knows how weak actually. No doubt came as a bit of a surprise. Giving credit to some degree,at least Rossi didn't say ,gee wizzz can you give me a example ,I 'm all tapped out on this one, I'll post it up on my web site after the debate ,I promise !
In debate Murray pounced but the time was not optimal for stepping into Rossi.. Rossi himself will present that oppertunity.
And, it must be done.
The Nuclear FUSE .