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Also, from the chair of the 44th LD Democrats--
I heard earlier today that an active military serviceman who is registered in my district was unable to vote, because he had not received his paper ballot in time to vote on Tuesday. I don't know of a way to get a standard paper provisional ballot to him in time to vote.
I posted a solution at file includes instructions for how to cast a legal vote without using a printed ballot, including a legally binding affidavit.
In this case, the serviceman's actual ballot would just be a blank piece of paper and a blank envelope. He would simply write the correct words on them with a pen.
It this is done properly, and mailed on time, his vote should be tallied. The canvassing board is bound by WAC 434-261-075 (votes on something other than a ballot) and follow the standard ballot duplication procedures.
This technique should work anywhere in Washington to handle this kind of special situation. (If you can use a standard provisional ballot, you should use that method instead.)