the 1990s, countless loggers lost their livelihoods when the feds froze the timber industry in the forest habitats deemed critical to the spotted owl's survival.
At the Northwest Raptor & Wildlife Center, we had the product of their outrage delivered to us swaddled in bloodstained blankets: innocent owls shot, nailed to signs and lynched from trees. These acts of retaliation were even more misplaced than it appeared.
Every single owl brought to us was anything but a spotted owl.
If anything, murdering the spotted owl's competition only helped the beleaguered species, a fact that apparently came to the attention of wildlife biologists.
We now face an ironic twist on the original controversy.
Wildlife lovers are furious as government wildlife agencies consider “saving” the spotted owl by systematically slaughtering its competition, the barred owl.
The barred owl's natural migration from the East to
spotted owl country over the past few decades has resembled the Goths storming the declining Roman Empire
Matthew Randazzo V
Clallam County Democratic Central Committee
State Committeeman
Washington's 24th Legislative District
Public Relations Director
Northwest Raptor & Wildlife Center