King County Democrats
Legislative Action Committee Newsletter
2012 Legislative Draft Agenda
It's December and time to finalize our draft 2012 Legislative Agenda. We will meet Sunday December 11th, 2 to 4 p.m. at the Foster Library in Tukwila to finish our draft, which will be voted on by the King County Democrats at our January 23 meeting. This is a work session, with lively discussion over what our platform calls for, what is possible, and how to focus our efforts. All Democrats are welcome to participate.
Foster Library,
4060 S. 144th St, Tukwila, 98168
LAC Agenda Criteria
The King County Dems Legislative Agenda is in support of the KCDCC platform and would never contradict it. However, a legislative agenda is chosen by a different set of criteria.
The criteria we are using are unofficial, but look something like this:
1) What are the top progressive issues being debated in this session?
2) What has to be done in this session to preserve our Democratic values?
3) What issues are at the top of our allies' agendas, to which we can add our voices?
4) What additional issues are critical to our Party, particularly having to do with elections and initiatives?
5) Which of these have bill sponsors?
6) Which of these have momentum to get passed by policy and budget committees in both houses?
7) Which of these issues have a strong voice on our LAC committee who will act as liaison and bill tracker for us?
Each of our allies, which are themselves mostly statewide coalitions, works extremely hard over the interim to develop bills and bill language, to find sponsors and to educate grassroots about the importance of these issues.
Unlike the WSDCC platform and the resolutions, our legislative agenda begins and ends with the legislative process. If there isn't likely to be a bill, we aren't likely to support it this year. The more we focus our efforts, the stronger our impact.
Review our 2011 Legislative Agenda Here You can also participate by email before Dec. 11th. Our 2012 draft is about half complete. We've already deleted the bills that passed last session. We've updated the environmental priorities to match those of the Environmental Coalition. If you are part of another progressive coalition that has published legislative priorities for 2012, let us know. If we are missing something very important to you--that fits the guidelines for the 2012 session--let us know before next Sunday and we'll bring it up.
Contact Information
Sarajane Siegfriedt, Legislative Action Chair
sarajane3h {at}