My son just graduated from college and got his first paying political job on Cantwell's campaign. Cantwell is not necessarily his dream candidate but working for a Dem campaign is his dream job.
He started yesterday doing "research" (which he imagines will be anything that needs doing).
If you have some info, suggestions, tips or hints, please, post here or better still, send me an email. I'll be sure he gets it.
His offices are in with some Democratic party offices so he could pass stuff along to other campaigns if you know something they should know.
He spent the summer working for the Senate majority project (doing research, it was so odd to have my son know more about politics that I do!) so he's been working on "the big five" (the five he thinks we can steal from the GOP) and it would make him sick to win those 5 only to lose this one. Come on, WA, she might not be right on the war, but with a majority in the Senate, we will controll the committees which is where all the work (impeachment/investigations) gets done.