Edited on Tue Oct-10-06 02:24 PM by Wash. state Desk Jet
Washington State is known for being first to speak out on issues that are not so fitting in the political climate at the time. In short what is wrong ,- is just wrong ,therefeore what is wrong is also unjust. Sometines this state sets the precedence. And the nation catchs on.
In the Rossi thing for instance, the more they pushed and shoved as they carried threw with their foolishness and those lies,- it became ever so apparent that their own methods of deception became the very means to their end. As the trial proceeded it became clear mathematically that Rossi,s brain child calculation is not only flawed, but by their own equation they became loosers.
If you ever thought math is hard-, you should know the fun in it. Having known Rossi,s brain child equation was only too flawed from the get go.About as bogas as there ever was. But the real fun it ,was waiting to see (it) unravel and come back around to bit it,s creator (?) ! I would still maintain that there were some odd thirteen thousand fellon votes that went to Rossi. In theory of course. If that seems too much believe at least thirteen hundred.
In the process of trial proceedings ,James West the mayor of Spokane was facing allegations of sexual misconduct of a predatory nature. This as you may well know reflects badly on the republican party in this state. And so Rossi rather distanced himself from his assoiciate James West. West at that time responded rather like Lieberman did when Lieberman lost the democratic nomination to Lamont in Conn. As the democrates began to distance themselves from Lieberman. You know, that,s just politics.Thats what Lieberman said in a rather low key voice.As did West in a low key voice .
James West was removed from office by way of the voters in Dec. the same year. And one person made a differance in that particular for instance.
Later on in the year ,you know the year, One Brian Doyle ,former press secretary homeland security ,-was caught soliciting sex on line with minors. Indeed-,a child moulester. A child moulester that worked his way deep into the republican right in Florida.A real party guy ,just like West was. And West was there in Florida too.
And Now it,s Mark Foley, Floridas congressional representive now resigned and in alcohol rehabilitation. A sex offender,child moulester,. foley now claims he was abused by clergy members in his youth. Next and no doubt comes the twinki defence .
Hesert is no doubt in denial.
Going back to Rossi , it was their own methods that took them down. And if you will look across this nation and the world in events, You will come to realize that the republicans own methods and ways ,is just what will take them down.
And so ,once again Washingto State leads. And in the end, when it all goes down, Freedom will once again RING.