"There ain't anything in this place that will hurt you!"
The chemical plants here around Charleston ran all the skilled union people off twenty years ago and started hiring people off the street. Unskilled Brown&Root(cheap Labor)people that didn't know bullsh*t from apple butter, started taking care of chemicals and high pressure chemical processing equipment in this valley that could kill tens of thousands of people! It's about like letting the local barbers and fry cooks start doing brain surgery on we the people. The horrid disaster in Bhopal, India, back in 1984 never taught the "experts"(bean counters)in those plants a damned thing!
Bhopal Disaster
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhopal_disasterIt's not always the "big bang" that gets you around these plants, but usually some strange form of cancer. Bush fixed it so that the "Superfund" is paid for 100% by the taxpayers now! The pResident has let all the chemical corporations in the US off the hook. When it comes to cleaning up abandoned toxic chemical waste sites now, the guilty don't pay...YOU DO.