If you compare their Bush favorability ratings to those of other polls you will see that theirs is always among the highest, sometimes 10% or more higher than others.
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/polls/If you click on
See all Poll Data at the above site you can view many other polls for a comparison.
BTW, Rasmussen's Bush approval rating at the above site should show 38%, not 36% for 5/15 - 5/17. This is the first error I have ever found at the RCP site. 38% is the lowest Bush approval rating that Rasmussen has ever reported.
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/Bush_Job_Approval.htmOK, I'm rambling.
The Rasmussen bias does not seem to be as significant in Senate race polls, and I would also like to see his approval rating higher than 57%. But I don't think we're ever going to see this much higher than 60%. There is a hard core right wing contingent out there that will never approve of any Democrat except maybe Zell Miller. My guess is they number about 30% of us.
My hope is that this 30% will be so demoralized by the antics of their boy Dubya, they will all stay home on election day.