1. Voted against a motion to the FY 2007 Department of Defense Authorization bill that would have ended the Military Families Tax (HR 5122, Vote #144, 5/11/06)
2. Voted for George W. Bush’s first tax cut measure that amounted to a $958 billion tax cut that gave the majority of the benefits to the wealthiest Americans--- 44.3% going to the wealthiest 1% (HR 3, Vote #45, 3/8/01.
3. Voted for budget bill that would permanently eliminates the Estate Tax set to expire in 2010 which is estimated to cost nearly $1 trillion in revenue between 2012 and 2021--- a tax that effect only the most wealthy Americans and exempts 99% of estates (HR 8, Vote 102, 4/12/05).
4. Voted for a budget conference report that cut veterans health care by $13.5 billion over 5 years (HCR 95, Vote #149, 4/28/05)
5. Voted for a budget resolution that proposed cuts of $92 billion from Medicaid, $14 billion in veterans’ programs, $2 billion in student loans, $6 billion in child nutrition programs and $7 billion in assistance to farmers over the next decade in order to help fund tax cuts favoring the wealthy (HCR 95, Vote #82, 3/21/03)
6. Voted against a measure to require company executives to personally certify the accuracy of corporate financial statements and would have enabled the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to punish executives for falsifying their statements (HR 3763, Vote # 108, 4/24/02)
7. Voted against amendments in a budget bill to increase funding for state and local law enforcement and community policing and to restore $286 million to cuts made to the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants which are a primary source for law enforcement to combat the production of methamphetamines (HR 2862, Vote ## 244 and 245, 6/14/05)
8. Voted against a proposal to make it illegal during an energy emergency to sell crude oil, gasoline and petroleum at unconscionable levels (HR3402, Vote 500, 7/28/05)
9. Voted to delay implementation of a new rule to reduce the allowable levels of arsenic in drinking water (from 50 parts per billion to 10 parts per billion) (HR 2620, Vote # 288, 7/27/01
10. Voted against a motion that would allow the federal government to negotiate lower prescription drug prices for seniors and would ease requirements for importation pf lower priced drugs from Canada and instead voted for the Republican Medicare prescription drug bill that gives billions of dollars in subsidies to the health care industry, increases premiums and deductibles to seniors and produces a gap in coverage (HR 1, Vote ## 668 and 6691/21/03. 1/22/03)