The following post is from, In response to the Kanawha County Blogspot this morning.
Is Jerry Waters and Karen Fritz, Mike Clifford and Friends behind the Kanawha County Blogspot.
While I agree with the behind the scene work with the Kanawha County Commission President Kent Carper, THF and Tri State Racetrack and Gaming Owners, I take exception to the fact that if not for Karen Fritz the City of Nitro would be on the verge of collapse.
The following is an except from that blog:
"It hasn’t been that long ago that Nitro was not going to be able to meet its payroll. They have had to bounce checks, borrow money from the county and even recently accept a $200,000 "pre-payment" from the racetrack that will have to be absorbed into the budget. How much more can this town of 6,500 endure? If not for city activist Karen Fritz’s continuous screaming from the rooftops that this cities finances were in worst shape then feared, Nitro may have already collapsed."
to see the entire blogspot click the following: In the previous statement it is clear that the Waters / Fritz crew are behind this blog. Chambers and Paterno released a report ( a link will be provided ) that disproves a few things stated just above. No checks were bounced in the City of Nitro. And the statement about the city not being able to make payroll, again, the amount in the cities accounts when the payroll was run was the amount always in the account when payroll ran. The City of Nitro is not a for profit - all monies that come in just about immediately go out. There is never $100,000's in the account just sitting. And for the Mayor of the city to allow this to be bandied about as though the city didn't have the appropriate funds should show the residents of the city of nitro that RUSTY CASTO HAS NO CLUE AFTER 13 YEARS ABOUT THE RUNNING OF THIS CITY. As for the borrowing of the money from the County. Yes, the city (after its previous budget was approved) was blindsided in July with a doubling of the cities liability insurance. More than $305,000. The city has for the previous 5 to 6 years over estimated revenues while increasing salaries and expenses. This was brought to the attention of Nitro City Council in 2007 when the last budget was past. The Former Treasurer informed council of the over inflated revenues and suggested that the budget maintain at its current and not increase. But after much discussion the cities budget was increased by 2 1/2 % to allow for a small salary increase to city workers. Terry even left a buffer in the budget of $80,000 with the final payment already being made the previous year to pay of the police fleet. Left that amount in the Police Department budget which helped buffer the blow with the doubling of the liability insurance. And has helped with the city being where it is today. Back on the road to reaching a true balanced budget.
It was not Karen Fritz but Terry advising council. Terry wasn't public about it - but that wasn't her place. Fritz has created most of the circus like atmosphere around the City of Nitro and a few colorful council people and the buffoon of a Mayor have provided the rest.
Does anyone think it is a coincidence that only two officials have really been targeted for removal. One is out the door and the city will be lucky to get the scraps off the table from the county and the state.
It was Terry after all who refused to sign payments to THF after advised that she should establish the legality of doing so before signing her name to any check.
It was Terry who sought out opinions from the State Attorney General and the State Auditors Office about the legality of the payments of B&O taxes from one business being rebated to a third business. IT IS NO COINCIDENCE that the day before the Attorney General was set to release its opinion THF filed suit in Circuit Court of Kanawha County asking that not the legality of the payments but asking for the court to force the city to honor its agreement - legal or not. Once the court action was filed the opinion from the Attorney Generals Office was not released.
THF would rather pay a $250,000 to $500,000 in legal fees to not have the legality question answered by the courts. WHY. I WILL TELL YOU WHY BECAUSE THEY KNOW - IT IS NOT LEGAL TO TAKE THE B&O TAXES FROM ONE BUSINESS AND REBATE THEM TO ANOTHER.
ex. Walmat pays B&O taxes to the city of nitro - THF gets their rebate.
You might be thinking there is no problem here.
another example: Nitro Supermarket pays its B&O taxes to the city of nitro - Fas Check gets their rebate.
It was Terry who fought for the Table Games Legislation to be changed to include the City of Nitro as a host city along with the City of Wheeling. Insuring under first year (low ball) figures the City of Nitro would receive more than $360,000 and not the $12,000 in the original legislation.
It was Terry who came up with the Host City Idea which the individual employees from the city carried to the legislature. Many employees taking their own time to see that the city gets its share. Firefighters, Police Officers and Members of Council (Councilman Bill Clark, Councilman Joe Savilla, Councilman Bill Javins, Councilwoman Brenda Tyler and Recorder Rita Cox) (Looks like the 4 Fritz wanted to remove)
Kent Carper, Danny Jones and the Gaming Lobby were none to pleased with Terry. If not for her there would have been no presence at the legislature for Nitro.
Now she has been run out of not only the City of Nitro, but the County and State. This woman must have too much information about something and scared of those who stand to lose.
No coincidence that it was with the aide of the Charleston Gazette (part owned by Kent Carper) that smeared the City of Nitro and Terry until she left on a virtual daily basis. With misinformation - getting the whole FINANCIAL CRISIS FRENZY going.
Now here we are three months later. After it was told to residents of Nitro and the County of Kanawha that Nitro was on the verge of insolvency. Nitro is on its way to a balanced budget with a few thousand surplus.
But Nitro now has the Treasurer the County and the THF like to see. A non vocal go along man who is not going to put his neck out for anyone NOT EVEN THE CITY OF NITRO.
Now wait and watch as they continue on Nitro Police Chief Jack Jordan another like Terry who has fought for the City of Nitro and given much of himself to the community.