Edited on Mon Mar-24-08 11:42 PM by neverlander
wvwildfire is not the only person angry as hell with Karen and the number is growing daily. Her newest complaint about garbage men taking peoples trash and recycling it being illegal or unethical really takes the cake. Or the one about the police not removing a car from a street because it had a Fla plate and did not pay WV tax. Or how about the one where she complained that 8 firemen are too many. The one about the PC double dipping when he had saved the citizens about 10 grand by giving of his time and equipment that was thrown out of court. The claims that the treasurer had stolen money that an audit said is not missing. She now claims the audit was fixed!!!!!! Face it Jerry, your precious Karen has some sort of problem, perhaps Jack Swint could help her. Maybe she needs a physician...that wouldn't work though since she would probably think she was smarter than the doctor and wouldn't listen anyway.
Karen may not have had anything to do with the things a couple of Councilmen did to discredit themselves, but Karen has caused a lot of damage to Nitro. She started out sincere but has incessantly pounded her way into every department in the city government. She has trashed people who were trying to do their best. She has created utter chaos in a city full of normally calm and happy people. She even attacked the churches. It is as if the devil himself has ascended on our town and whether you and Karen and her followers like it or not we DO NOT WANT HER HERE continually interfering.
She thinks she is smarter, better, and more able to handle problems (whether they exist or not) than any other human being on the darn planet. She has stood up in council meetings and stated that she HAD TO HELP the poor people in Nitro because THEY WERE NOT SMART ENOUGH TO HELP THEMSELVES!!!!! What gives her the right!!!!!!!!!!! Nitro has been in existence since 1918, Karen has been here about 4 years, we have been just fine without her unneeded help. We are sick of Karen, we did not elect Karen, we did not ask her for her stinking help, we do not want her "assistance" anymore. Now she is trashing anyone who dares to support any candidate in the upcoming election that is not her pick!!! She is attacking people just because they support someone else. She says she will continue to act as if she is the only one who knows what is good for Nitro, because she DOES know what is best for Nitro. She knows nothing of the sort!!!
You really would have fewer problems with these message boards if you had not been so supportive of KAREN. Karen is like a bad storm...everyone is relieved when it is over. Karen will stop her crap, I promise you. Many people have had more than enough of Karen! We are going to stand up to her and tell her to shut up in the future. She is not now and because of her actions will never be welcome in Nitro by more than a few disgruntled ex city employees and an ex mayor who never got over being beaten!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nitro does not need a MOTHER!!!! You can continue to support her every move, but you should expect to be boiled in the pot with her by the people of Nitro. We are going to be boycotting any business that supports her, if the local grocer agrees with her and helps her, we will not shop there and he will know it, any person or entity that supports her is fair game. BTW goes for Agnello too, when he supports her his advertisers have been being called and told we will boycott them as well. We will protest and picket, whatever it takes. We are tired of the crap and we will not take it anymore. Boycotts are as old as the hills, they are a good way to make people aware of an issue or a problem, we will use them any way we can. Any other legal form of protest will be utilized as well. We will put a stop to the madness in Nitro and have our peaceful town back from the grips of the people who have ruined our peace!! We will not stop until we have Nitro back.
I am sorry Jerry, for Karen, you, Nitro and it's citizens, myself, everyone involved. She has to STOP THIS. and let someone else deal with it for awhile!!!!!!