PWDGroup polled five local WV news agencies yesterday on their feelings and thoughts on why the Nitro Casino Owners have not begun table games and or the hotel construction? And the current pending lawsuit with THF.
It was also to learn of their interest in Nitro and basic knowledge of what is going on.
This poll was conducted by e-mail.
Four people responded. And we attest to the truth and validity of their responses.
1. Herald-Dispatch Reporter said they did not know because they do not cover Nitro news.
2. A Charleston News Director really had no idea about the casino games issues, and "off the top of my head" thought the county was helping Nitro financially.
3. A newspaper reporter said that the reason the table games are moving so slowly was because the casino owners did not know how to implement or get the games going. It was their first time doing this.
But, According to the casinos website they own in Florida this is not so, table games have been going for some time. This Charleston TV news caster basically said Nitro is getting just what they deserve. Because of their government officials unsatisfactory performance and the continuing financial mess. One comment said was...
"Nitro owes a TON of money, and the State may feel as though the town has been very irresponsible with those payments, or lack thereof. One could possibly make the inference that the State feels as though Nitro isn't taking things seriously that ABSOLUTELY NEED to be taken seriously. Kind of like the undisciplined child that keeps thinking he can get away with whatever he wants without any repercussions from his parents."
Bottom line, you decide......