CHARLESTON -- While painting Republican U.S. Rep. Shelley Moore Capito as a shill for President Bush, none of the three Democratic candidates for the 2nd Congressional District stray far from their party's line on the economy, the war in Iraq and health care.
The major distinction among the three wannabe-Capito challengers is money.
Barth raised nearly $334,000 between January and the end of March, according to her latest Federal Election Commission filing.
Robb had nearly $11,000 to spend, with $8,360 coming from a personal loan.
Cooper reported raising no money and loaned his campaign $7,450. He has pledged not to accept contributions from corporations, labor unions, political action committees and other special interest groups.
In addition to winning the money race, Barth is the chosen favorite of party leaders, having already been endorsed by the state's Democratic congressional delegation, including her former boss. you live in the 2nd Congressional District, please vote for Anne Barth on Tuesday. She has the best chance of defeating Capito in the General election this November.