Some friends of ours who are in a Morgantown rock band are coming down to Rainelle to play a gig on July 11th at Red Dragon Tattoo. The band includes a guy who, although not gay, is going to be pegged as such by any stupid rednecks in attendance, as well as a young black man who plays drums like a GOD. Needless to say, I am concerned for their well-being in the tiny little town of Rainelle. I spent lots of time there when I was younger (my ex was from there) and the locals, well, they can be kinda narrow-minded. I don't recall seeing many faces of color there, if you get my meaning.
If anyone in that area is interested in going to see a liberal rock band play (as well as providing enough of a friendly crowd to help keep them safe) head down to Rainelle on July 11th, to the Red Dragon Tattoo shop to see "Krytal Saint" play.
Thanks all!