June 8, 2009CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- The U.S. Supreme Court said Monday that West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Brent Benjamin should have stepped aside from a case involving the man who spent more than $3 million to put Benjamin on the court.
In a 5-4 decision, the court ruled that Benjamin violated constitutional due process rights when he refused, on two different occasions, to step down from hearing Massey Energy's appeal of a multimillion-dollar Boone County jury verdict.
Benjamin cast deciding votes in two 3-2 decisions, in November 2007 and April 2008, to overturn the verdict against Massey and in favor of Hugh Caperton and his company Harman Mining. With interest, the verdict is now worth more than $82 million.
The U.S. Supreme Court reversed those decisions and sent the case back to the West Virginia Supreme Court "for further proceedings not inconsistent with this opinion." The justices said the case should be reheard after Benjamin recuses himself.
This is the first time the high court has ruled that judges elected to state courts can be required to step down from hearing cases if one party made major contributions to their election campaigns.
http://sundaygazettemail.com/News/200906080172http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/09/AR2009060902726.html This is a great victory. I can't believe I missed it when it first came out.