On Friday, the state finally laid out the deal insurance companies offered Gov. Joe Manchin to make courts more friendly to insurers.
In total, the insurance companies said they would reduce premiums by nearly $50 million if lawmakers eliminated third-party bad-faith lawsuits, made it easier to drop policies and limited their liability in cases with multiple defendants, according to a series of e-mails Insurance Commissioner Jane Cline sent to Manchin aide Brian Kastick Feb. 22-23.
The Insurance Commission revealed the specific offers Friday evening, ending the Manchin administration’s weekslong effort to keep them secret. It gave in after Kanawha Circuit Judge Paul Zakaib ruled that the offers were public information.
People use third-party bad-faith lawsuits to sue other people’s insurance companies for not settling with them in a fair, timely fashion. Business groups and insurers say the lawsuits hurt the state’s economy. Consumer groups and plaintiff’s lawyers say average citizens use the action to protect themselves from being bullied by insurance companies.