I saved this article to read later (it appeared last week or so)but I haven't seen such a harsh analysis of Sensenbrenner printed anywhere else but DU.
This might be worth saving and passing on to Bryan Kennedy's campaign.
Sensenbrenner is your basic Fat Evil Prick, perfectly cast as a dictatorial committee chairman: He has the requisite moist-with-sweat pink neck, the dour expression, the penchant for pointless bile and vengefulness. Only a month before, on June 10th, Sensenbrenner suddenly decided he'd heard enough during a Judiciary Committee hearing on the Patriot Act and went completely Tasmanian devil on a group of Democratic witnesses who had come to share stories of abuses at places like Guantanamo Bay. Apparently not wanting to hear any of that stuff, Sensenbrenner got up midmeeting and killed the lights, turned off the microphones and shut down the C-Span feed, before marching his fellow Republicans out of the room -- leaving the Democrats and their witnesses in the dark.http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/_/id/7539869?pageid=rs.Home&pageregion=single7&rnd=1124284243796&has-player=true&version=