I'm mailing this and faxing it right now then sending it as an FYI to my other state and local officials. .....................................
Congressman F. James Sensenbrenner 120 Bishops Way Room 154 Brookfield, WI 53005-6294
Friday, September 2, 2005
Dear Congressman Sensenbrenner,
I am a new constituent, having recently moved to your district. As such ,I pray that you condemn- in no uncertain terms - the shocking incompetence and neglect demonstrated by our Federal Government in response to the disaster in New Orleans. How on earth is it possible that these American citizens are still stranded, starving and dying in one of our major cities 5 days after the storm hit; a storm that was anticipated for many ,many days in an area where the possibility of floods is widely known.
If this is the kind of response we can expect in dealing with the aftermath of a storm we all knew was coming, we’d better be thankful this hadn’t been a sudden crisis such as a terror attack or earthquake. We would all be dead now.
If the United States is truly the greatest country in the world (as we’re so often told) we are in deep trouble.
Please Mr. Congressman, this is no time for politics or party loyalty. Please add your voice to the horror and outrage at the mishandling of what is now a major humanitarian crisis.
Respectfully yours,