But, one of their columnists, a man known as "The Old-Timer" is pretty good.
http://www.webmediainc.com/54157PT/PeshtigoTimes.taf?function=detail&Layout1_uid2=14910Public Schools Everybody's Target
It's a national pastime, blasting the public schools. Many join in, writing letters to the editor, nationally syndicated columnists pile on, claiming the schools are turning out kids who can't read, who are ignorant of American History, math and science.
When I went down to Orangeville, Il., for my first teaching job in the fall of 1952, my landlady's husband, old Clayt Emmerich told me the (superintendent), let the "perfessor" kids run the school. John A. Jensen, did not let the kids run t he school by any means, but old Clayt talked about it all over town.
Now they are proposing "flunking" a whole school district for poor performance of students in standardized tests, Milwaukee, for instance. An otherwise friendly and sociable American Legion guy at a local funeral, told me confidently that the professors at the University of Wisconsin "are teaching communism."(snip)
It is pretty generally believed by critics that the schools "went bad" some time after they themselves graduated. The main thing is to find out when the schools went bad and restore the methods used before the collapse.