This press release just in...
Bryan Kennedy, Democrat running for Congress in Wisconsin’s 5th Congressional District, announced plans this afternoon to run his first television ad, titled “Wisconsin Way”. The ad, which is believed to be the first Congressional ad nationwide for the 2006 race, questions Jim Sensenbrenner’s vote against aiding the victims of the gulf coast disaster. The ad will begin airing this afternoon and will run indefinitely.
Kennedy’s ad highlights Sensenbrenner’s votes to send money overseas, but not to support our brothers and sisters in the gulf coast area. A narrator reads, “When President Bush needed billions of dollars to help rebuild Iraq…Jim Sensenbrenner said “yes”. When the Tsunami hit Asia…Jim Sensenbrenner voted again to send our money overseas. But when fellow Americans on the Gulf Coast needed help…Jim Sensenbrenner turned his back on them and voted “NO”.
“This ad is not only a kickoff to my campaign, but it shows that we are serious about challenging those who vote against our fellow Americans in their greatest time of need,” said Kennedy. He continued, “I’m glad that we are in the position to take on these important issues 13 months before the election.”
Kennedy’s campaign has purchased spots to run for the entire week, and will be actively seeking support to extend the buy.
Watch for it if you're in the Milwaukee area. It will also be available for download at the website: www.bk2006.org.