What: 10th anniversary Walk on the Child’s Side
Who: All Wisconsinites who care about their public schools
Where: Walk from the UW-Madison Library Mall to the steps of the State Capitol
When: 11 a.m. on Tuesday, June 16
Make a statement for school-funding reform
* Your legislators will be invited to walk with us. Make sure they are there representing, you, your community, and your children.
* Speakers at the Capitol will include Randy Braun, Walk on the Child’s Side veteran and superintendent of the Cameron School District; Randy Kunsch, CARE member and Walk veteran; Mary Bell, WEAC president; Art Rainwater, former Madison school district superintendent and Walk veteran; and Jennifer Morales, Walk veteran and former Milwaukee school board member. Other speakers, including students, will be added.
* Off-site parking will be available with shuttle buses running to and from the event.
* Bring a sign or banner telling who you are and where you are from. Event organizers will have materials to make signs at the last minute.
* Wear your original Walk on the Child’s Side shirt. Some will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
A decade after the first Walk on the Child’s Side and 15 years since the state’s school-funding system was passed into law, not much has changed except that the funding crisis has deepened among Wisconsin’s public school children and schools. If you come to Madison for the anniversary Walk, you will make an important statement on behalf of those children, their schools, and all of our futures.
The Walk on the Child’s Side will begin at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Library Mall at 11 a.m. and end at the Capitol. Several speakers will talk about the history of school-funding reform and call for legislative action. Walkers will end the day visiting with their elected officials to ask them to work together for comprehensive reform.
Sponsors of the 10th anniversary Walk on the Child’s Side are Price County Citizens Who CARE, Northern Tier Uniserv, and the Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools. If this isn’t the biggest and best walk, legislators and the Governor won’t get the message.