(from my blog
Joe Stern, the former mayor of Niagara, Wisconsin announced on Monday that he is running for the Eighth Congressional District seat that is currently held by two-term incumbent Steve Kagen (D). Mr. Stern will be running as a "conservative independent" (same thing as an independent conservative?), and will be challenging both Rep. Kagen and which ever Republican enters the race.
http://www.florenceminingnews.com/newsread.asp?id=898">WildRiversNews.com has the story.
While I would hope the token Republican challenger is not going to be John Gard, who's already lost to Kagen twice, it would be rather amusing to see him try again only to have his voters get
http://haas414.wordpress.com/2009/11/06/quick-with-the-urban-dictionary/">scozzafavaed by Stern.
Niagara is very likely a lovely town in the
http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Niagara+wi">northeast corner of Wisconsin. Surveying the area on Google Maps, we see that it is right on the Wisconsin-Michigan border, and located near the
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spread_Eagle_Barrens_State_Natural_Area">Spread Eagle Barrens State Natural Area. That area actually sounds like a pretty good place to visit. It's also near the Ford Airport, all of which could make for a great reason to have a friend fly us up there some time. (Cuz we have the time...)
(h/t http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2009/11/gop-could-face-more-challenges-from-right-after-ny-23.php?ref=fpb"> TPM.