I running for the Wisconsin 4th CD seat because I think we need representatives that reflect the priorities that must be addressed today while working towards the overall objectives. If you take a moment to read through the issues on my campaign site you will see that I believe we must focus all efforts on getting our economy moving again and creating jobs through pragmatic approaches rather than more pork barrel spending. The creation of jobs is critical to putting the country back on a fiscally sustainable path, providing people with economic freedom, and providing the basic social fabric of a fair and prosperous society.
I am a small business owner and have worked in several industries in my career. I know a lot about job creation and operating a sustainable business. I'm also a veteran and have a keen understanding of the personal impact our current foreign policy places on our citizens in uniform and their families.
I also believe our elected officials need to make our lives better through greater personal freedom and decriminalization of personal behaviors. This is especially true in the treatment of drug usage, personal privacy, taxes, and LGBT lifestyles.
I hope you will take a moment to learn more about me and my campaign. You can learn more at:
http://morelforcongress.comBest regards,