Edited on Sat Nov-13-10 10:57 AM by undeterred
So what went wrong this year? Is it the party's fault? Is it the chairman's fault?
I haven't filled out the survey that they emailed to me yet but I've been thinking about it. I let my membership lapse a couple of years ago and rejoined in October. I have to say that I was pretty pleased with what I saw from the coordinated campaign during the last couple of months. Well run. Lots of volunteers and people doing their jobs. I did get a sense here in Madison that most of the volunteers were there out of heartfelt support for Senator Feingold even though we were working for the whole Democratic ticket.
But the DPW lost my heart at Barbara Lawton. For years she was my Governor in waiting. Smart, independent, progressive, female, and a Democrat. There is no reason she shouldn't have been given an opportunity to run in the primary for a chance to be our candidate for Governor. If our own party wouldn't allow her to do that, what does that say to women? We lost the seat anyway. And we also lost any claim we have to being the party that cares more about the equality of women. (Nobody cares about that anymore, right?)
Of course Barbara didn't say that, she said she withdrew for "very personal reasons". But that just shows how women at the highest levels still have to cover.
The Obama For America campaign was worse. I worked for them briefly in 2008, under conditions no union would ever tolerate, like 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, for miserable pay. They treated their staff like crap in the name of winning an election. Democrats in favor of working people?
If the Democratic party can't practice what it preaches in running campaigns, which is where people are most likely to get involved, why should anyone want to be part of it?