We Can Defeat This, But We Must Mobilize Now:
There is no time to wait and see what happens. There is no tomorrow and there are no excuses. We have LESS THAN A WEEK to organize and prevent this bill from passing, so we have to turn out en masse now, and we have to turn out with force against these draconian measures and attacks against public sector workers. In order to do this, thousands of people MUST turn out for the following events:
• Monday afternoon, February 14th: Meet us EITHER in front of the Memorial Union at 11:30 A.M. or at the Capitol at 12:00 P.M. to deliver thousands of signed Valentine's Cards asking Gov. Walker not to cut the UW Budget, and to stop attacking those who make the UW work.
• Monday, February 14th at 5:30pm: Come to the TAA's Emergency General Membership meeting in Humanities 2650 to get a political update and to discuss our direct action campaign.
• Tuesday, February 15th and Wednesday, February 16th – DAYS OF ACTION: Meet us at the Capitol starting at 11:00 A.M. to rally with other union members, workers, and students. At 1:00 P.M. we will be meeting with legislators to convince them to vote against this legislation.
Who to Contact:
There are
seven Republican Senators that have voted pro-union in the past and that need to be convinced by people voting in their districts to reject this bill. If you are from or know people from these districts, you and they need to start contacting the following Senators. Email AND Call them ASAP and let them know you do not support the Governor's Budget Repair Bill. Here’s a link to help you find out who your representatives are, and to help you with talking points:
http://leadernet.aft.org/formmaker/take/survey.cfm?id=183c9a7c-5056-b94b-11dd-b7f47603bbaa--Robert Cowles: 2nd District:
Telephone: (608) 266-0484 OR 1-800-334-1465
Email: Sen.Cowles@legis.wisconsin.gov
--Scott Fitzgerald: 13th District
Telephone: (608) 266-5660
Email: Sen.Fitzgerald@legis.wisconsin.gov
--Luther Olsen: 14th District
Telephone: 608) 266-0751
http://legis.wisconsin.gov/senate/sen14/news/Contact.asp--Dale Schultz: 17th District
Telephone: (608) 266-0703
http://legis.wisconsin.gov/senate/sen17/news/--Randy Hopper: 18th District
Telephone: (608) 266-5300
Email: Sen.Hopper@legis.wi.gov
--Michael Ellis: 19th District
Telephone: (608) 266-0718
--Van Wanggaard: 21st District
Telephone: (262) 930-6503
http://www.voteforvan.com/contact-van.html--Dan Kapanke: 32nd District
Telephone: (608) 266-549
Email: Sen.Kapanke@legis.wisconsin.gov
State Senator John Erpenbach will be having a listening session at Middleton High School Sunday Feb 13: “Governor Walker wants to introduce this proposal today and pass it tomorrow. The people of this state deserve better. Governor Walker should be bringing people together rather than tearing this state apart. I am hopeful we will be able to make changes to the bill to at least remove the non-fiscal items.” Senator Erpenbach will hold a listening session this Sunday at Middleton High School at 4pm 2100 Bristol St, Middleton in the Courtyard Commons.