THeir comments are by Repugs paid to troll... serious
Brothers and Sisters,
I've been gone a LONG time from DU, but I'm glad I decided to come back.
From being on site since last Sunday, the estimates of 30-1 are close, and from my opinion it is generous to the T-bags. But that estimate would have been a peak within a 2-hour window. Their were scheduled to be there for a few hours, but got on their buses and went home, unable to handle the cold. Compared to that Friday night, Saturday afternoon was balmy!
The bulk of the t-bag turnout for a photo-op WAS an epic fail. But then the out of towners and out of staters left (rumors of Virginia buses were high but I think that referred to funding, not people).
After the buses left there were maybe 40. 40 versus 10s of thousands. Is there something bigger than an EPIC Fail? I'm struggling to describe it. Cops (who support, as they are union) laughed and shook their heads, received protester hugs, and handed out stickers to children. It was a party atmosphere after they left. Now I believe more t-bags MIGHT have been there, but freaked out by the sheer mass of people, I'm sure they discreetly put their signs down and walked around the perimeter. And knowing how freakin' nice we are when you're not trying to fuck over our rights, I'm sure some beers were bought for them. And I witnessed pizza shared with them.
More union supporters slept on marble floors, over night, inside the capitol than attended their rally. Today snow and other factors might temper the numbers, but its also a day off and supporters will come and check it out to say they were there. Monday is a holiday and furlough day, concessions reached for no-pay holidays to control budgets by ... well, not this governor. And Tom Morello and other supporters will be there. Monday will be HUGE. Then the assembly will come back into session Tuesday.
Why do we fight? Why did the Senate leave the state? I urge you to watch my good friend in the assembly set some records straight, glare at the repugs across the isle, and unleash righteous fury. <> SHARE and let people know that's how we roll (don't fuck with Wisco)
sorry for typos and grammar
follow me on twitter @billschwulst ( #wiunion is trending near top for week )
youtube : schwuw
I have to leave my home state soon for work, but I am confident two more will replace me. THE WORLD IS WATCHING! From the pics and the pressure they were not ready for, you all are doing AWESOME. I've talked with some jaded politicos who are remembering why they got involved in the first place. But you take a bunch of union people who stand on their feet all day, and think sitting on sheet metal in freezing temps, agitate, and you get the past week at the Capitol.