Edited on Fri Mar-18-11 09:56 PM by AleksS
You can't do much worse than Stone except maybe by actually re-electing Walker himself.
Stone has been a major Walker cheerleader. And as right-wing as the most extreme elements of the current GOP crop. How many times has he personally introduced voter ID leg.?
That, and just as a person he's pretty horrible. The day after the leg. first tried to pass the union-busting bill, that evening, he was at an event in Oak Creek, joking with his entourage of fat old white guys about the protestors.
The only upshot to voting for him as exec. would be to get him out of the state leg. Sure, he'd be replaced by a repub, based on his district, but there could hardly be a republican more repugnant than Stone.
BUT, the real important election on the 5th is for Supreme Court. Prosser has already promised his vote on the court to the GOP when the union-buster bill gets in front of him. He needs to be out. Kloppenburg needs to win. Plus, if he stays on, the state continues to have exactly 0 (zero) checks and balances on republican excesses considering the 4 other justices for whom the WMC is still holding the receipts.