Are you thinking if protests are happening the recall work isn’t getting done? The large protests haven’t happened the last 2 weeks exactly because things are happening locally/regionally instead of everyone coming to Madison – don’t forget this is a statewide effort – teachers, union folks & others in their communities. People in Madison are yes keeping a Saturday protest tradition alive but also working on phone canvassing to identify recall signers, data entry & Kloppenburg campaign (also very important). It’s a 2-3 hr drive from Madison to the districts needing the most help at this point and there are people doing that, I’ll prob rent a car next few weekends and make a 3-day weekend out of it.
Now re the protests themselves – saw another post of yours minimizing their importance. Someday I’m going to write a piece about the whole psycho-spiritual dimension of protest, but for now I’ll just say that we had to come together to feel our power before we could do ANYTHING. Maybe I shouldn’t speak for everyone but I know I’m not the only one who’s said that! You’ve read THE SHOCK DOCTRINE? There's a reason Dems/left has habitually caved over the years - five weeks of loud vocal protests are exactly what needed to happen to break through numbness, fear and isolation.
And meeting/talking directly, face to face, with all these people from various other walks of life - how else can you get that? As a marshall I got to talk to a large cross section of people – I guess maybe I looked like I knew something. There were quite a few independents & moderate repubs, never ever been to a protest before but got in their car and came to Madison because they thought the gov went too far and they wanted to see for themselves what was happening. You can’t buy that kind of advertising. There are times when the face time is absolutely essential I think....