was holding public hearings on SB22 and a couple of other bills re Charter Schools, Ms. Daaaaaaaaaaaarling took the opportunity to make snarky comments to Senator Larson about his time in Illinois. Since I didn't have prepared remarks for the other bills, but had signed in to speak, just in case, I then had MY opportunity to spend three minutes telling Ms. Daaaaaaaarling exactly what I thought of her comments, and how proud I am of our Democratic Senators for standing up for us. Hey, she's the one who opened the door by making her comments. I'm sure she didn't hear a word I said, but it made ME feel better, and I got applause from the crowd! :D
ALWAYS register to speak, even if you're sure you won't want to. You can always decline to speak when your name is called, but you just never know when something might be said that you just HAVE to respond to! :bounce: