I talked to a few folks and I was hearing that the number of tourists has been reduced this year. I'm know it is early in the season for the northwoods, but even so, I just hate to hear it. Seemed to me like an awful lot of families depend on that money to keep going, and with everything else going on, a bad tourist season could not come at a worse time. I heard it in Portage, I heard it in Rhinelander, and even in a couple gas stations along the highway...
My husband and I talked about moving to Madison years ago--when we first got married. We loved that terrain around Black Earth and Mt Horeb--it is just beautiful. We ended up staying here for family, but you gotta know that Wisconsin has always been in the back of my mind. Odd thing, as I have grown older, that area up in the northwoods has become even more attractive! If we ever manage to escape the cesspool that is Illinois politics, maybe we'll find bliss in your northwoods!
BTW, is politeness the Wisconsin state sport? Sure did seem like it!