...because of something somebody typed on a blog???
Were they also being paid by the keystroke, at the same time?
These "high-level aides" of Walkers are certainly no angels.
Just before they stopped carrying the feature, the Shepherd Express
named them:
http://www.expressmilwaukee.com/article-11918-issue-of-the-week-justices-sold-to-the-highest-bidder.html(A different top aide is named, but you have to think more than one was in on the 'joke')
Jerks of the WeekScott Walker’s Campaign Aides
It’s bad enough that Scott Walker is lying to voters by claiming that he can stop a federally funded high-speed rail line from being built in Wisconsin. But to make things worse, his high-level campaign staffers promoted a race-baiting video clip to exploit long-held fears of conservative voters that trains benefit African Americans. Even worse than that? Walker’s aides couldn’t even deliver a straight apology. The Walker team’s conduct was so bad that Keith Olbermann made Walker’s top aide Jill Bader the “worst person in the world” on his MSNBC show on Monday—worse than the radically right-wing Glenn Beck.
Stephanie Findley, chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s Black Caucus, condemned the actions of Walker’s team, saying, “It would be nave to suggest that there are no racial overtones in the timing and the content of this communication by the Walker campaign. At best, it is tasteless and needlessly provocative. At worst, it recalls the coded racial program of division that has been exploited in the past. In either case, Scott Walker must apologize.”
As of this writing, Walker hasn’t apologized. We’ll keep you updated.
What Keith said
http://www.mediaite.com/online/worst-persons-is-a-cmon-n-ride-it-the-train-video-racially-tinged/...The cause of the offense is the accompanying video, a clip from Soul Train knockoff The New Dance Show. The combination of the song and the video of a Soul Train Dance® could be seen as intending to mock not only President Obama‘s high speed rail project, but his blackness as well.
Quad City DJ's, one of the best one-hit wonders ever, too.