of the Walker RECALL
I am late posting this but others like this will be held around the state in the next few days,
http://www.politiscoop.com/us-politics/wisconsin-politics/540-wisdems-to-launch-qits-not-workingq-barnstorm.htmlWisDems To Launch "It's NOT Working" Barnstorm
Monday, 24 October 2011 18:14
Paul I. Tascoupe
Recall Scott WalkerWisDems To Launch "It's NOT Working" Barnstorm in Advance of Scott Walker Recall
MADISON- The damage to Wisconsin’s middle class and the lurch away from Wisconsin values by Scott Walker’s extreme agenda will be highlighted by Wisconsinites across the state starting on Tuesday, Oct. 25, in Madison. The “It’s NOT Working” tour will feature community leaders who will focus on Walker’s anti-Wisconsin agenda that is tearing Wisconsin apart.
The barnstorm will travel to Madison (Oct. 25), Stevens Point (Oct. 26), Eau Claire (Oct. 27), Appleton (Nov. 2) and Milwaukee (Nov. 3), and will be followed by training for volunteers interested in helping collect recall signatures (closed).
Tuesday's Madison event, hosted by radio personality John "Sly" Sylvester, will feature Heather DuBois Bourenane, a Sun Prairie parent, former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk, state Sen. Jon Erpenbach, former Congressman Dave Obey and Dane County Executive Joe Parisi.
WHAT: "It's NOT Working:
Why: Wisconsin Can't Wait To Recall Scott Walker" Barnstorm Kickoff
WHEN: 5:30 p.m. CST, Tuesday, Oct. 25 WHERE: AFSCME Building (basement training room), 8033 Excelsior Drive, Madison
WHO: Dane County Executive Joe Parisi; state Sen. Jon Erpenbach; former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk; former Congressman Dave Obey; "Sly" Sylvester; parent Heather Dubois Bourenane.
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