What a tool! Anyway, I wrote to him about passing the Jobs bill...Hahahaha, right? Well, his reply didn't disappoint, that's for sure.
Here goes:
Thank you for taking the time to write me regarding the American Jobs Act of 2011.
The President took office during tough economic conditions, but his policies have taken us 180 degrees in the wrong direction. His failed $800 billion stimulus, Obamacare, the Dodd-Frank banking regulations, and the explosion of his administration's other job-killing regulations have combined to put a stranglehold on our economy. His "jobs" bill offers more of the same tried — and failed — policies. These proposals will not strengthen our economy. That's why even a number of Senate Democrats opposed the bill.
As the former owner of a plastics manufacturing business that I helped build over the span of 31 years, I know firsthand how a high level of uncertainty causes businesses to delay action. Business owners and managers must feel confident that the rules of the game won't change, or they won't be willing to risk their hard-earned capital on starting or expanding a business.
After living under the Obama agenda for two and a half years, consumers and businesses simply do not have the confidence they need to spend and invest.
Republicans and Democrats need to work together on a real pro-growth agenda that promotes long term, self-sustaining private sector jobs. I've introduced a moratorium on new job-destroying regulations until our unemployment rate falls back below 7.8 percent. We should also enact tax reform that simplifies the code and lowers rates, as well as a credible plan to control the growth in spending, a federal hiring freeze, budgetary reform, a policy to utilize our domestic energy resources, and a Sunset Committee that will actually begin to eliminate harmful laws and regulations.
Washington cannot create the jobs that America needs to pull out of this depressing economy. Going further into debt to expand government won't solve the problem. Economic expansion must come from the private sector — and sadly, that is what President Obama simply does not understand.
The sooner we stop growing government, the sooner real growth and job creation will return through the private sector.
Thank you again for taking the time to share your concerns. I have received over 300,000 pieces of correspondence from the good people of Wisconsin, and as your Senator I believe it is important to hear from the citizens I represent regarding issues important to the state and the country. Please feel free to contact me in the future if I can further assist you or your family. It is an honor to serve you and the people of Wisconsin.
Ron Johnson United States Senator