IMO, TABOR will be the most prominent issue in WI over the next year. It is bad policy plain and simple. We need to get ourselves informed and be vocal to stop this mess from becoming our state's way of governance. There are numerous Repugs that oppose TaBOR, but several of the more vocal, moderate Republican opponents were voted out of office this past election.
Here are some resources:'s a link to a apper by Andrew Reschovsky of the Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs University of Wisconsin-Madison:
"The Wisconsin Legislature is currently considering a proposal for a Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR). This constitutional amendment, if enacted, would tie annual increases in spending by all governmental bodies in Wisconsin to population growth and the rate of inflation or some other specified index. It would also require passage of referenda for any spending increase in excess of the limits, for any tax change that causes net revenue gains, and for most government
borrowing. Supporters of the TABOR amendment argue that an amendment is necessary because:
• Tax burdens in Wisconsin have climbed to excessive rates,
• The over-taxation of businesses is hurting economic development in the state, and
• State and local government spending in Wisconsin has gotten out of hand.
In this paper, I argue that none of the above assertions can be justified by the facts. There is no evidence to suggest that our system of fiscal decision making is broken, or needs the kind of
radical transformation that TABOR would bring."
The article is the second on the table of contents: