A. If you're refering to this mini-scandal
http://www.jsonline.com/news/metro/jan05/296245.asp where the pukes are crying because 186 people in Milwaukee voted with bad addresses I have to say that I doubt it will have much impact. First, the pukes have been whining about some vast Dem voting conspiracy in every one of the last decade's election cycles. It's what they do. In 2002, they had their "gang green", election watchers in green vests, at every Milwaukee polling place in an effort to intimidate voters and imply to the rest of the state that Dems couldn't be trusted to vote fairly in Milwaukee. Each election, they invariably manage to find some evidence that someone didn't do their job and a few people were able to vote under suspicious circumstances. As if that could ever be completely prevented. Of course their disgust never extends to the flyers distributed in heavily Dem areas of Milwaukee asking voters to go to the polls the day after the election. Nothing to see there.
In the last election and every election before it as long as I've been voting, proof of residency could be required at the polls. These poll workers didn't do their job. We don't need a new law to fix that. But wait. Thanks to the "great" Help America Vote Act we already will be required to have proof of identity and to formally register to vote in future elections. So it seems to me Doyle's veto of a requirement that the ID bear a photo will make little difference. The pukes have been trying to get voter id passed for as long as they have been making a stink about voters in Milwaukee. It's a fabricated scandal so that the pukes can disenfranchise voters and trim back turnout. We all know who wins when we have high turnout now, don't we?
B. TABOR - The news I've heard is hopeful. Even the conservative Milwaukee Journal Sentinal has come out against it. It seems there are a few pukes who dislike the idea of taking away local control, too. I get the feeling at the moment that TABOR is sitting on the brink. If we push hard, we might be able to crush a few insane pukes supporters with it.
C. Marriage amendment? - :shrug: Probably. The Madison pukes are into doing a lot of nothing and the marriage amendment is their poster child. It still must pass a second legislative session. Plenty of time to unelect a few pukes and for the Supreme Court to rule it unconstitutional.
D. Bucher who? I've been away from the web for awhile and haven't followed this. I've already said I think Peg's a good AG but after the DWI, she's damaged goods. I think her chances of reelectin are up in the air.
E. Heard from a solid source that Sen. Kohl will run again barring, of course, the typical events that sideline candidates like health issues. There are a few here who think Thompson is coming back to run against him. :shrug: There are also a few here certain Kohl will be in trouble if he does, but not me. Though I would admit that Thompson would be at even odds against Kohl and likely do better than any previous opponent. I couldn't pretend to know what the pukes are planning as far as the gov and sen races. They really don't have as much control as you might think or there wouldn't have been three pukes running against Feingold.
edit: spelling