A link to their website for more info
http://www.marriage-equality-wi.orgfrom their press release at
http://www.thewheelerreport.com :
Christians for Equality Rally February 22 to Oppose Amendment Banning Same-Gender UnionsChristians for Equality in Wisconsin (CEW), a group of interested people of faith from various denominations, is holding a rally at 12: 15 p.m. on Tuesday, February 22 at Grace Episcopal Church, 116 W. Washington Ave., Madison, to voice its opposition to legislation that would harm same-gender couples. The purpose of the rally is to raise awareness about the potential harm that would result from passage of a proposed state constitutional amendment that would not only ban same
gender marriage, but would outlaw official recognition of all forms of civil union between couples of the same gender. CEW also aims to send a message to legislators and voters that a large share of Christians believe that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in committed relationships should enjoy the same rights as heterosexual couples.
“As Christians, we are obligated to respect the dignity and equality of every person,” said Cindy Crane, a Lutheran pastor and one of the rally's organizers. “We are committed to protecting the rights of ALL Wisconsin residents to enjoy the personal, social, spiritual and economic benefits of long-term partnerships, regardless of their gender orientation.”
The rally will be preceded by a 10:30 news conference and an 11:00 a.m. advocacy training session in which participants will receive information about how to make their voices heard in the Capitol. Following the rally, participants will visit with members of the Legislature to urge them to reject the amendment.
As currently written, the amendment would define marriage as being between a man and a woman, and prohibit recognition of “a legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals.” This constitutional language would effectively eliminate the possibility of any type of legally recognized domestic partnership or civil union between individuals of the same gender, and would jeopardize the rights and benefits that many same-gender couples currently possess. The State Legislature has already passed the amendment once. If the legislature passes it a second time in the current session, it will go to a statewide referendum.
Rally organizers hope to build on the momentum generated by CEW's December 4 conference in Wauwatosa, which attracted approximately 200 attendees and received extensive news coverage. At the conference, keynoter Bishop Herbert Chilstrom, retired presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and other speakers urged participants to put their beliefs into action and battle against attempts to further marginalize through legislation the state's LGBT population.
“We invite all people of faith in Wisconsin to show their support for their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender sisters and brothers by attending this rally,” said Crane.