Edited on Mon Jun-07-04 12:58 PM by Homer12
He read 5-10 posts on DU that were happy that Ronald Reagan died, and then tried to generalize that the entire left-wing was the only side that is this hatefull and mean.
It's like their Clinton hatred in the 1990's never existed, it's as if liberal hatred since GW Bush looted office never even existed. It like they never called lefties un-american and traitors when Gulf War II started. It as if Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, and Coulter never existed. What hypocrisy! What intellectual dishonesty! What about Free Republic!
It was so dishonest, so blinded, but then again what would you exepect from a Right-Wing Propaganda talk show.
Blaming other's for what they themselves do, how hypocritical.