"didn't see anyone who looked like they might be DUers" Well how could you know that? :)
I went through the bar like five times that night looking desperately for DU anything but I couldn't find anyone. Well I did find someone, Russ Feingold who I talked to for awhile late that night, but not any DUers. I too spread the good word of DU around so I know at least a few people that are going to check it out.
Jef seemed very proud of the fact that WI for Kerry and I have spread the word about him on DU and that some of you good people have contacted him on it. I guess he didn't think the word would get out about him so soon, but you guys have been great about letting him know DU is behind him that I think he's making sure I keep DU involved in the process. :)
Next year myself and Bill Schwulst are likely organizing the Convention when it comes to my hometown of Oshkosh. Let's put it this way, it's going to be way bigger and way more entertaining.
One thing I want to do is run a DU table at the Convention. :)
I figure we can have merchandise, sure, but maybe print up pamphlets and introduce a lot of younger Dems to the Underground... and you'll see that with no major elections next year we're going to do something the DPW doesn't do very well at itself, and Party Build like crazy in the off year. So instead of hoping after four years to dust off a list and see if those people are still Dems and see if they'll work for the candidates, you can turn to all fo them who have been with you the whole time as well as a bunch of people that might have not been there before.
I can't release any details but we already have started the brainstorming process and next year is going to rule. :)
And since we're reaching a smarter, younger, more active audience... DU really needs a voice at next year's convention IMO. :)
So we'll see. When I get confirmed details over the next few months of what we have set in stone for next year, you'll get them here.