From here:
My name is Bryan Kennedy and I am challenging House Judiciary Chair Jim Sensenbrenner. I was his opponent in 2004 and gave him the best fight he had had to date. I have kept the campaign going and am aggressively fund raising to beat him in 2006. 2004 recap for those unfamiliar--raised roughly $300K, got nearly 140,000 votes, placed 10,000 yard signs and won in areas of the district where we have no elected Democrats. Not bad for a first run for political office.
Thanks for all that you have been debating and discussing Sensenbrenner's actions on DU since the committee meeting yesterday. THANKS ALSO TO EVERYONE WHO WENT TO MY WEBSITE OVERNIGHT AND GAVE MONEY!! You all are fantastic. This incident is indicative of Sensenbrenner's reaction to everything--scream and pout first, then storm out later. Imagine trying to debate him!! (Not an easy undertaking when he gets red-faced and angry, and takes criticisms of his voting record or legislation personally.)
I am at the Wisconsin state Democratic Party convention in Oshkosh and last night I had the privilege of speaking to approximately 1,300 delegates. I mentioned Sensenbrenner's actions of earlier in the day as illustrative of why we need to get rid of him (not to mention the PATRIOT Act itself, the REAL ID bill, Sensenbrenner's drug policy bill from last month, his authoring of the Terry Schiavo legislation, and on and on and on...) Sensenbrenner and his Republican majority need to remember their 1994 Contract with America, where they said that they were going to give us "the end of government that is too big, too intrusive, and too easy with the public’s money." It is time for the government they gave us to "BUTT OUT!!" of our personal lives and learn basic math skills in managing the budget.
Check out my please spread the word to everyone that this is a growing grassroots movement and that we will win in 2006.
Bryan Kennedy