The fundie kid who had a hard time voting repuke due to their stance on issues fro the poor? I was going to invite him to join us here at DU hoping that we could make his conversion complete. It slipped my mind, and I never got around to doing it.
Good thing, he might have turned out to be trouble. policies needed
To argue the war is unjustified simply because we have not yet found the WMD we expected is simply a "red herring," an argument that intentionally detracts from central, more important issues. Unfortunately, shameful propaganda often is asserted to the world's people instead - that somehow we were intentionally misled, all for an oil conspiracy.
Fact: Iraq had more WMD than we know they destroyed under the observation of UN weapons inspectors. Where did they go? I'll tell you: They have been smuggled into the Jihad underground, for use against terror targets all over the world. Just pray we preempt their use.
One day, when the war is won, we will be overjoyed that our leaders developed policies of preemption, as we learn how close we came to mass death at the hands of rogue ideologues. It has been said, freedom holds a special flavor the protected might never know.
And I can tell you personally, from intelligence briefings while in the Marine Corps Infantry in the mid-90s, with two deployments to the Gulf, WMD proliferation is alive and well amidst countries and organizations that are working against Western interests. One of my biggest scares was being informed about several suitcase-size nuclear weapons missing from former U.S.S.R. stockpiles after the U.S.S.R. disintegrated. At that time, they were believed to be in the Middle East.
In addition, we do know that Saddam Hussein financed Jihad suicide bombers by offering $25,000 to their families upon their death. Therefore, to claim Iraq had no links to the global Islamic Jihad is an enormous fallacy and outright contradiction.
Finally, thanks to preemptive policies to destroy terrorism aimed at Western interests, which include pluralist democracies and free markets (oh, the shame), we have two strategic footholds to operate from in the Middle East - one on either side of Iran: Iraq and Afghanistan. Now, we can take them all apart, regime by regime and put an end to people killing the "infidel" in the name of God. Do I dare speculate who is after Iran - maybe Syria or Saudi Arabia?
Kyle Z. Craemer
Stevens Point