Go Ted Go.
Cheyenne—A press release put out by paid employees of Rep. Barbara Cubin is asking voters to ignore parts of her record. The press release claims that Cubin voted in favor of the Patriot Act. However, the bill came up for final passage on October 24, 2001, and Rep. Cubin did not cast a vote on it.
She also failed to vote on the Defense Appropriations Act of 2002, which came up for a vote just two weeks after the 9/11 attacks. She failed to vote for other significant defense and War on Terror legislation in the months following the attacks.
Cubin’s staff says she supported a pilot program for using vouchers in the District of Columbia, and that demonstrates her support for education. However, Cubin missed votes on every amendment and discussion, including final passage, of the No Child Left Behind Act. “The No Child Left Behind Act has had a dramatic impact on education in Wyoming,” Ladd said. “A test program for vouchers in Washington, D.C. had an impact on Washington, D.C. My focus is on what is good for Wyoming, not Washington.”
Cubin’s employees also claim she voted in favor of allowing the importation of prescription drugs. However, she voted against the Pharmaceutical Access Act of 2003, which specifically allowed the importation.