that fuckin' whackjob Stevie Harpo gets his sound bites? Maybe from his big brother shrub?
Harper, speaking after a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, stressed that the previous Liberal government committed the troops to their Afghan mission, which has proved deadly in recent weeks, and that the Conservatives will honour the commitment.
"I'm saying that Canadians don't cut and run at the first sign of trouble," he told reporters. "That's the nature of this country, and when we send troops into the field, I expect Canadians to support those troops." Big brother shrufucker:
For the 22nd time in a speech as president, Bush said we would not "cut and run" in Iraq. Or, how about this one:
Whackjob Harpo:
"Such a debate or such a lack of strength by any of the political parties in Canada will merely weaken the resolve of our troops and will even put our troops in even more danger." And from his idol:
"One of the blessings of our free society is that we can debate these issues openly, even in a time of war. Most of the debate has been a credit to our democracy, but some have launched irresponsible charges. They say that we act because of oil, that we act in Iraq because of Israel, or because we misled the American people. Some of the most irresponsible comments about manipulating intelligence have come from politicians who saw the same intelligence we saw, and then voted to authorize the use of force against Saddam Hussein. These charges are pure politics. They hurt the morale of our troops." I'm kind of embarrassed for my fellow Canadians who didn't have quite the smarts to see they were electing a mirror of the fascist regime in the states. Always gave us more credit than I guess we deserved. Now I can sit back and laugh as two North American countries make fools of themselves on the international stage with their posturing, ridiculous sound bites, each trying to out do the other with outrageous comments, but both sounding remarkably alike. Within a couple of years, these guys will catch up to KKKarl & the boys, no problem. "Public" hearings for SC justices. Building your cabinet through the backdoor (appoint to senate-Michael Fortier, entice from opposition-David Emerson). Shrubfucker would be proud. Whackjob Harpo- now THERE'S an original thinker!
I'm just sayin'...