on a radio report today--they left out the part about being sponsored by the Fraser Institute.
"My embassy just called me this morning and said that some of the demonstrators were saying that Afghanistan was better off under the Taliban,"
Omar Samad said Monday.
Again the 'strawman' technique--funny the demonstrators I saw on Saturday to never mentioned Af being better off with the Taliban. But with warlords like Dostrum and Hekmatyar being protected by our boys, does it really matter...
If you want to know what Canadian lives and money are going for...
Here's a slide show courtesy of RAWA
http://www.rawa.org/kab-jan05/build.htmGood background provided by Cursor's current 4 part series on Afghanistan.
http://www.cursor.org/stories/emptyspace.htmlCursor's roundup page of Afghanistan related stories
http://www.cursor.org/stories/archivistan.htmPart 2 'Pulling the Rug' talks about the development rip-offs, the corruption, etc.
Good article from
2004--nicely footnoted: An Island Named Kabul: Trickle-Up Economics and Westernization in Karzai's Afghanistan