One disconcerting note from a naysayer who sees this as all rather sinister...
Popping Canada's N.W.O. Cherry
Canada’s armchair warriors, keyboard killers, and all around American wannabes are all a twitter with the finally public revelation that Canadian forces are interchangeable with the Anglo-American occupiers in Iraq.
It has been a real sore point of shame for these little Canuck warmongers that Canada did not outright jump on America’s natural resource/strategic military base slaughter wagon from the start.
With our American puppet Neocons now openly promoting Canada as a 21st Century imperialist adjunct to America’s natural resource occupations, these bold and bellicose couch moistening wannabes are finally stiff with pride over the fact that Canada’s black ops teams are taking part in the crushing of the Western right wing’s designated untermenchen in Iraq as well as Afghanistan.
I suppose with the alleged month long occupation of Iraq by Canadian forces supposedly “training” for what is beginning to look more and more like a psyop “rescue”, we can all beam with pride that Canada is now indistinguishable from the U.S. where matters of foreign policy and illegal occupation of sovereign nations is concerned.
Our new Neoconservative government’s coming out party for our American-integrated armed forces has the tainted stench of set-up written all over it.
It was really a clever way to have even seemingly reasonable, so-called “progressive” Canadians join in the groupthink, stand and give a big “huzzah” for Canada’s willingness to “take care of our own” despite the fact that the British SAS and the many different levels of American occupation forces could have readily handled the storming of the curiously empty “Sword of Righteousness Brigade” prop house that held the CPT hostages without Canadian forces integration.
Youngfox CanadaRather impolite fellow and not at all like 'nice' Canadians. :evilgrin: